Hello everyone, Substack as been a great medium for me to further my research and has been great incentive to brush up on my long form writing. Some of my most popular posts ever have come out in the last year, and I have greatly enjoyed writing them. If there seems to be interest I am also working on a small series through here to be presented as a paid course. Up to this point all of my content has been freely available, but I wanted to try something a little bit different, I thought it might be interesting to instead talk about the earliest sources, in order by age, and work through them, looking at what they say, or don’t say about Arthur. We will of course start with a primer discussing which sources will appear, and a short summary of each. Each entry after this will then be a look at each of these sources in depth, highlighting what we can learn from them. We will likely start with Zosimus, and then end at Geoffrey of Monmouth’s De gestis Britonum. I will do my best to cover as many sources as possible.
If you are interested in this please let me know, if not, we’ll continue along and you’ll get snippets of what this course would have been made of in my regular articles as always.
Intriguing. I vote yes. Sources are the beginnings of all inquiry and can't be interrogated enough.
I'll pay. Take my money