Absolutely wonderful article. I hope that these articles are someday combined in book form as companion pieces to Aurochs' upcoming published work.

I feel the need to thank you both for your continued excellent scholarship & detective work. My dips into Taliesin etc have mosty made my brain hurt.

We're back in The Old North for our holz in a few weeks time on the Tweed but now feel the urge to drive down the A69 to go on a pilgrimage tour to Avalon to via Camlan.

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Thanks Paul. Not sure if I'll ever have enough material for a book but I'm flattered nonetheless. If you are visiting the Tweed area you should investigate Myrddins grave at Drumelzier. "When Tweed and Powsail meet at Merlin's grave, Scotland and England shall one monarch have."

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I say that I'll visit Drumelzier every time we go up, then completely forget!

Hoping to get to walk to the confluence of the rivers Glen and Till this time

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